Saturday 12 November 2011

Arrived in Aussieland

After a long flight, we have arrived in Sydney!

We were greeted at the airport with hugs by our friends Ashley and Ben, who we are staying with for the first few days of our trip. As they left for the day for a music festival, we decided to explore their neighborhood of Stanmore.

Once we had a good meal, we were feeling particularly zesty and ventured downtown to Wild Life Sydney in Darling Harbour to see some koalas (and baby ones!), kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, emus and cassowaries.

Jet lag eventually got the best of it so we hopped on the train back to Ash and Ben's for some dinner and and long sleep. Great start to our honeymoon!

1 comment:

  1. Yay koalas!!!

    As a kid if people asked, "if you could be any animal, which would you be"...I'd say, koala bear :)
